• Dr. S. P. Rajguru

    Associate Professor & IQAC Co-Ordinator, Arts & Commerce College,Madha. A/P/Tal-Madha,Dist-Solapur


About Research Dimension

Each issue of ‘Research Dimensions Journal’ (RDJ) contains innovative and original research on a range of related topics. It is the leading Open-access, Multidisciplinary, Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly Online and Print format Referred Journal, which publishes innovative research papers, reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines covered by the Humanities and Social Sciences, Commerce, Management, Science, Engineering & Technology, Medical Science and many other branches of knowledge related applications. Original research carried out by author(s), case study of analytical findings of an individual case and communicated in journal publication, peer reviewed proceedings papers presented at Conferences/Symposium/Seminar/Workshops under the title of ‘Special Issue’ etc or summarization of all papers from conference proceedings.

The main objective of the RDJ is to disseminate scientific knowledge and generate debate in an interdisciplinary context, linking the different areas of social sciences such as anthropology, economy, political science, history, geography, sociology, philosophy, culture, language and literature. RDJ is focused on the analysis of societies, on the study of social problems, and on guidelines needed to overcome them. Thus, it is contributing to a qualitative and social transformation. This will help to the societies' development with a rigorous scientific basis, internationally proved.

With this approach, the journal also aims to reflect the outcomes of the major global research in social sciences, humanities, commerce, management, sciences, technology and medical and allied sciences, monthly publishing articles related to researches, relevant theoretical contributions, monographs' reviews, which have contributed to the creation of knowledge related to the broad field of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. Jointly and in a multidisciplinary way, RDJ pretends to achieve critical and scientific debate based on evidences that contribute to the theoretical and empirical knowledge. With a free access and digital broadcasting, the journal aspires to include a multidisciplinary view of multidisciplinary branches.

RDJ intends to be, as soon as possible, an indexed journal in national and international Social Science databases, such as ICI, Clarivate Anaytics, WoS, Latindex catalogue, In-RECS, ERIH, SCOPUS or the Social Science Citation Index. All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors of articles published remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to the Creative Commons license agreement.